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Renowned Speakers

Climate Change Conferences-2023, Climate Change Summit 2023 Events, Climate Change Summit Meetings, Climate Change Summit Symposiums, November 23-24, 2023 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Babak Farjad

University of Calgary, Canada

Climate Change Conferences-2023, Climate Change Summit 2023 Events, Climate Change Summit Meetings, Climate Change Summit Symposiums, November 23-24, 2023 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Nallusamy Sivakumar

Sultan Qaboos University, Oman

Climate Change Conferences-2023, Climate Change Summit 2023 Events, Climate Change Summit Meetings, Climate Change Summit Symposiums, November 23-24, 2023 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Golam Newaz

Wayne State Univeristy, USA

Climate Change Conferences-2023, Climate Change Summit 2023 Events, Climate Change Summit Meetings, Climate Change Summit Symposiums, November 23-24, 2023 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Mirella Elkadi Khalifa

University of Science and Technology, UAE

Climate Change Conferences-2023, Climate Change Summit 2023 Events, Climate Change Summit Meetings, Climate Change Summit Symposiums, November 23-24, 2023 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Qian Kang KU Leuven


Climate Change Conferences-2023, Climate Change Summit 2023 Events, Climate Change Summit Meetings, Climate Change Summit Symposiums, November 23-24, 2023 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Goetz M Richter

Rothamsted Research, UK

Climate Change Conferences-2023, Climate Change Summit 2023 Events, Climate Change Summit Meetings, Climate Change Summit Symposiums, November 23-24, 2023 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Markus Brautsch

Technical University of Applied Sciences Amberg-Weiden, Germany

Climate Change Conferences-2023, Climate Change Summit 2023 Events, Climate Change Summit Meetings, Climate Change Summit Symposiums, November 23-24, 2023 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Commissioner Janea A. Scott

California Energy Commission, USA


About Conference

Climate Change Conferences 2023 regards each one of the individuals to go to the "9th Global Summit on Climate Change" on November 23-24,2023 Amsterdam | Netherlands which melds brief keynote presentations, speaker talks, Exhibitions, Symposia, Workshops, and Speaker sessions.  Climate Congress 2023  will join world-class professors, scientists, researchers, students, and environmentalists, to discuss the methodology to reduce global warming, climatic change, and its effect, pollution, and recycling. Climate Change Conferences 2023, Climate Science conferences 2023, and environmental meetings 2023 are planned to give various information that will keep helpful scientists next to each other on the issues impacting the expectations, finding, and solutions for climatic change and its effect. The assembling of this event will be dealt with the subject “Tackling Climate Change for a Sustainable Future".

  • Key Figures of Climate Congress 2023 | Amsterdam

  • This international conference provides the opportunity for climate scientists, professors and researchers from all over the world to gather and learn the latest advances in the field of climate and environmental science and to exchange scientific ideas and experiences in a distinctive environment.
  • 2 days of scientific exchange
  • 200+ abstracts submitted
  • 30+ scientific sessions
  • 80+ international expert faculty members
  • 100+ environmental professionals

Climate Congress 2023 is the annual meeting conducted with the support of the Organizing Committee Members and members of the Editorial Board of the supporting climate related journals and is aimed at helping support environmental professionals i.e. climate scientists, meteorologists, professors and researchers to deliver the best solution possible to environmental change.

Why to attend?

With people from around the world focused on getting some answers concerning Climatic Change, this is one of the opportunity to accomplish the greatest accumulation of individuals from different universities, associations, research centres etc. This climate science conference in the year 2023 at Amsterdam | Netherlands will coordinate, disperse information, meet with recurring pattern and potential investigators and get name affirmation at this 2-day event. Broadly acclaimed keynote & plenary speakers, the most recent frameworks, methodologies, and the most current updates in Global Warming and climate science field are indications of this conference. This World Climate congress or rather all climate related gatherings, climate change meetings and climate congress will help in frameworks organization.

Sessions & Tracks

Track 1: Climate Change and Climatology

Climatology, branch of the atmospherical sciences involved with each the outline of climate and also the analysis of the causes of climatical variations and changes and their sensible consequences. Meteorology includes the systematic and regional studies of atmospherical conditions i.e. weather and climate. Each meteorology and meteorology square measure branches of natural philosophy that copes with the weather. Whereas they're associated with each other in some ways, they aren’t constant issue. Dynamic meteorology is that the study of large-scale patterns and the way they will be accustomed perceive world weather. Physical meteorology is that the study of physical processes likes evaporation, cloud formation, aerosol dissemination, and more. Archaeology deals with the reconstruction of past climates victimization fossil proof, ice cores, and tree rings. Climate indices square measure large-scale weather patterns that square measure consistent and measureable. The goal of associate degree index is to mix variety of things into an outsized, generalized description of either air or ocean phenomena which will be accustomed track the worldwide climate system.

  • Climatology- The investigation of Climate

  • Manifestation of Climatic Change

Track 2: Pollution and Climate Change    

Pollution is the presence of a waste material within the atmosphere and is usually the results of human actions. Pollution includes a prejudices impact on the atmosphere. Animals, fish and alternative aquatic life, plants and humans all suffer once pollution isn't controlled. One in every of the best issues that the planet is facing nowadays is that of environmental pollution, increasing with each passing year and inflicting grave and irreparable harm to the planet. In some cases, air pollutants contribute to global climate change, and greenhouse gases contribute to pollution. Global climate change itself could have an on the spot impact on air quality. Marine pollution happens once harmful or probably harmful, effects result from the entry into the ocean of chemicals, particles, industrial, agricultural and residential waste, noise, or the unfold of invasive organisms. Most sources of marine pollution square measure land based mostly. Marine atmosphere is adversely stricken by marine pollution. The discharge of greenhouse gases cause the ocean to become hotter and causes the marine climate to become unfriendly leading to harm the marine system and marine life.

  • Types of Pollution

  • Environmental Sustainability and Development

  • Pollution and Health Effects

  • Pollution Control Technologies and Devices

  • Waste Management and Treatment

Track 3: Global Warming Effects and Causes

Increase in temperatures, ocean levels rising, and a lot of frequent and intense extreme weather events are inflicting because of warming. Environmental and social changes caused by human emissions of greenhouse gases are the results of worldwide warming. Comprehensive, durable and in several cases, devastating is predicted to the results of worldwide warming. There’s a rise in average air temperatures close to the surface of Earth over the past one to 2 centuries. Global climate change affects all regions round the world. Ocean levels are rising because of the melting of Polar ice shields. The foremost evident impact of global climate change may be clearly seen within the increased temperatures

  • Effects of global warming

  • Impacts of global warming

  • Global Warming Causes, Effects and Solutions

  • Consequences of Global Warming on Human Health

  • Species extinction

Track 4: Greenhouse Gases

Many chemical compounds gift in Earth's atmosphere behave as 'greenhouse gases'. These square measure gases which permit direct daylight (relative shortwave energy) to succeed in the Earth's surface unobstructed. Because the shortwave energy (that within the visible and ultraviolet portion of the spectra) heats the surface , longer-wave (infrared) energy (heat) is reradiated to the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases absorb this energy, thereby permitting less heat to flee back to house, and 'trapping' it within the lower atmosphere. Several greenhouse gases occur naturally within the atmosphere, like dioxide, methane, vapor, and laughing gas, whereas others square measure artificial. Those who square measure synthetic embody the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs),  hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and Perfluorocarbons (PFCs), likewise as fluoride (SF6). Region concentrations of each the natural and synthetic gases are rising over the previous few centuries because of the commercial revolution. Because the world population has hyperbolic and our reliance on fossil fuels (such as coal, oil and natural gas) has been firmly coagulated, thus emissions of those gases have up. Whereas gases like dioxide occur naturally within the atmosphere, through our interference with the carbon cycle (through burning forest lands, or mining and burning coal), we tend to unnaturally move carbon from solid storage to its gassy state, thereby increasing region concentrations.

  • Greenhouse Gases

  • Carbon Farming

Track 5: Environmental Toxicology

Ecological pharmacology, field of concentrate within the natural sciences that's upset regarding the analysis of dangerous substances within the earth. In spite of the actual fact that it depends on pharmacology, natural pharmacology attracts smartly on standards and strategies from totally different fields, together with chemistry, cell science, formative science, and hereditary qualities. Among its essential benefits are the analysis of toxic substances within the earth, the checking of things for the closeness of harmful substances, the impacts of poisons on organic phenomenon and abiotic segments of biological systems, and therefore the digestion and natural and ecological destiny of poisons.

  • Methods of Environmental Analysis

  • Environmental modelling

  • Toxicity and Ecotoxicity

  • Soil Pollution and Remediation, Solid waste Disposal

Track 6: Renewable Energy

There square measure various varieties of property power supply. The bulk of those property power sources rely somehow on daylight. Wind and electricity power square measure the immediate consequence of differential warming of the Earth's surface that prompts air moving concerning (wind) and precipitation framing because the air is raised. Sun destined vitality is that the immediate modification of daylight utilizing boards or gatherers. Biomass vitality is place away daylight contained in plants. Alternative property power sources that do not depend upon daylight square measure geothermic vitality or in alternative words of radioactive rot within the outside joined with the primary heat of accumulating the world, and periodic event vitality or in alternative words of attractive force vitality.

  • Biomass Conversion

  • Solar Thermal Applications

  • Wind Energy Technology

  • Solar and Low Energy Architecture

  • Climatology and Meteorology

  • Geothermal Technology

  • Wave, Tide and Ocean Thermal Energies

  • Hydro Power

  • Hydrogen Production Technology and Fuel Cells

  • Socio-economic and Policy Issues

  • Photovoltaic Technology Conversion

Track 7: Climate Change: Marine Life

Many of the marine species area unit full of global climate change embody being that forms the premise of marine food chains. From warming waters and ocean action, marine life faces challenges. Warming waters alter the latitude and depth that harms bound species. Global climate change effects on ocean life and ultimately, human life. Changes to the climate is brought by increasing levels of greenhouse gases within the atmosphere, that ends up in changes within the oceans, together with lowland rise and ocean action, which can find yourself in danger for marine ecosystems and coastal communities. Atomic number 8 levels within the deep ocean have reduced by warming, threatening marine life round the world.

  • Biological diversity on Earth

  • Effects of global warming on oceans

  • Marine protected areas

  • Ocean species and ecosystems

Track 8: Climate Change: Biodiversity Scenarios

In the air, gases, vapor, greenhouse emission, ozone, and paraffin act just like the glass high of a nursery by catching heat and warming the earth. These gases are referred to as gas harming substances. The regular levels of those gases are being increased by discharges occurring owing to human exercises, for instance, the repetition of non-renewable energy sources, cultivating exercises and land-utilize changes. Thus, the surface and lower climate are warming, and this ascent in temperature is joined by varied completely different modification.

  • Electromagnetic Radiation

  • Canned Heat

  • Ultraviolet Energy

  • Shortwave Light

  • Energy moves in the climatic system

Track 9: CO2 Capture and Sequestration

Carbon dioxide (CO2) catch and sequestration (CCS) is a briefing of advancements that may considerably reduce carbonic acid gas emanations from new and existing coal-and gas-terminated power plants and Brobdingnag Ian fashionable sources. CCS may be a three-advance method that includes Capture of carbonic acid gas from power plants or fashionable procedures Transport of the caught and compacted carbonic acid gas (as a decree pipelines).Underground infusion and geological sequestration (additionally alluded to as capacity) of the carbonic acid gas into profound underground shake arrangements. These arrangements square measure often a mile or additional beneath the surface and comprise of semipermeable shake that holds the carbonic acid gas. superjacent these arrangements square measure rubberized, non-permeable layers of shake that device the carbonic acid gas and keep it from relocating upward.

Track 10: Endangered Species and Forestry

The jury continues to be out on whether or not a tree falling within the backwoods makes a sound, but it absolutely has a sway. That’s significantly valid for imperiled and endemic species, that simply create them stay region of appropriate way left on Earth, the same as ma'am Berthe's mouse primate in Madagascar, the sky blue toxicant substance dash frog in Peru and Canada's difficult crane. New examination uncovers distressful proof of tree cowl misfortune within Alliance for Zero Extinction destinations (AZE locales), regions that house species that area unit jeopardized and endemic. From 2001 to 2013, AZE locales lost one.2 million hectares (3 million sections of land) of tree cowl, a zone usually the live of Connecticut. Whereas  this is often a moderately very little live of tree cowl misfortune contrasted with worldwide midpoints, for species in AZE destinations, losing even a bit zone of tree cowl will mean last probability.

  • Ecosystem

  • Water cycle

  • Rainforest

Track 11: Green Economy

A comprehensive inexperienced economy is one that enhances human prosperity and fabricates social worth whereas modification ecological dangers and shortcomings. A comprehensive inexperienced economy is AN choice in distinction to this prevailing monetary model, that intensifies imbalances, supports squander, triggers quality shortcomings, and produces so much reaching dangers to nature and human health. Over the previous decade, the thought of the inexperienced economy has up as a significant want for a few legislatures. By dynamical their economies into drivers of maintainability, these nations are ready to travel up against the important difficulties of the twenty first century – from urbanization and quality shortage to environmental amendment and financial volatility. In 2008, United Nations setting propelled the inexperienced Economy Initiative (GEI), a program of worldwide analysis and nation level facilitate meant to steer policymakers to assist natural speculations. At the United Nations General Assembly 2015, United Nations setting distributed "Revealing pathways towards a comprehensive inexperienced economy". The record stresses concepts, as an example, sharing, roundness, joint effort, solidarity, flexibility, chance, and reliance.

  • Green Industrial Technology

  • Green energy and social benefits

  • Green Energy in Transport

  • Green Buildings and Infrastructures

  • Green Policies and Programmes

  • Green Policies and Programmes

  • Green Power

  • Greening Urbanization and Urban Settlements

Track 12: Climate Refugees

Environmental migrants square measure those that square measure forced to depart their home region because of unforeseen or semi-permanent changes to their native setting. These square measure changes that compromise their well-being or secure sustenance. Such  changes square measure command to incorporate exaggerated droughts, geological process, water level rise, and disruption of seasonal weather patterns (i.e. monsoons). Climate refugees could value more highly to bunk to or migrate to a different country, or they will migrate internally at intervals their own country.

Track 13: Climate Change and Coastal Stressors

Climate change will influence coastal areas in an exceedingly type of ways that. Coasts area unit sensitive to ocean  level ascent, changes within the frequency and intensity of storms, increments in precipitation, and warmer ocean temperatures. What is more, rising part concentrations of dioxide (CO2) area unit delivery concerning the oceans to retain a bigger quantity of the gas and switch resolute be a lot of acidic. This rising acidity will considerably have an effect on sea-coast and marine biological communities. Bounds disintegration, coastal flooding, and water contamination, is as of currently a worry in varied ranges. Tending to the additional stretch of temperature change might need new ways that to touch upon overseeing land, water, waste, and biological communities. Developing populaces and advancement on the coasts increase the vulnerability of beach front biological systems to ocean level ascent. Advancement will impede the interior relocation of wetlands consequently of ocean level ascent and alter the live of silt sent to coastal regions and quickens disintegration.

  • Coastal Biodiversity

  • Impacts of global change

  • Marine and Coastal Management

Track 14: Earth Science and Climate Change Policies

In 2017, China was the world’s leading electrode of heat-trapping gases by a good margin. Its policies for limiting emissions can have a big impact on the world climate for many years to come back. China’s leaders have declared that the impacts of global {climate change|temperature change} “pose an enormous challenge to the survival and development of the human race” which China is “one of the foremost vulnerable countries to the adverse impacts of climate change.” The Chinese government has adopted short- and medium-term goals for limiting emissions and a wide-ranging set of policies that contribute to satisfy the goals.

  • Increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations

  • Ecosystem structure

  • Loss of Marine Biodiversity

  • Shorelines

  • Coral reefs

Track 15: Carbon Capture and Sequestration

Carbon sequestration may be a set of technologies that may greatly cut back carbon dioxide emissions from new and existing coal- and gas-fired power plants and enormous industrial sources. Carbon sequestration includes: Capture of carbon dioxide, Transport of the captured and compressed carbon dioxide and Underground injection and earth science sequestration of the carbon dioxide into deep underground rock formations. Carbon sequestration is vital as a result of it may play a very important role in reducing greenhouse emission emissions, whereas enabling low-carbon electricity generation from power plants. Carbon sequestration will considerably cut back emissions from massive stationary sources of carbon dioxide that embrace coal- and natural-gas-fired power plants, furthermore as bound business varieties like alcohol and gas process plants. There square measure withal important drawbacks related to reliance on geo sequestration as a significant contributor to the reduction of GHG emissions within the context of temperature change mitigation. A so much less high-tech manner is biological sequestration and it encourages organic farming practices, augmented organic inputs to farm soils, and low-tillage farming systems. Not solely do organically wealthy soils sequester carbon dioxide, they even have higher crop yields and lower chemical input needs (also reducing carbon dioxide emissions).

Track 16: Climate Change and Health

Throughout the foremost recent fifty years, human exercises – particularly the overwhelming of fossil oil product – have discharged adequate amounts of dioxide and different gas harming substances to entice further heat within the lower air and influence the worldwide climate. within the most up-to-date one hundred thirty years, the planet has warm by around zero.85oC. Each one of the foremost recent three decades has been increasingly hotter than any former decade since 1850(1).Sea levels square measure rising, ice sheets square measure softening and precipitation styles square measure evolving. Outrageous climate occasions square measure ending up a lot of serious and consecutive.

  • Climate science

  • Atmospheric science

  • Ecosystems and climate change

  • Climate and weather statistics

  • Climate change and agriculture

Track 17: Climate Change Solutions

Reducing gas emissions is that the key to resolution world global climate change. a significant method these gases get into the atmosphere is once individuals burn coal, oil, and gas for energy. Eliminating the burning of coal, oil and, eventually, gas helps in reducing heating. the simplest thanks to deflate on gas emissions is just to shop for less stuff. The opposite answer is to be energy economical. We have to suppose inexperienced once creating purchases. Getting energy-efficient gadgets can even save each energy and cash. Conversion and forest management is one in all the most effective global climate change answer. Coal to gas fuel change can even be done as an answer to global climate change.

  • Alarming alerts and Early warning systems

  • Homeland Security

  • Flooding

  • Hurricanes

Track 18: Recycling and Waste Management

Waste management or Waste disposal is all the activities and actions needed to manage waste from its beginning to its final disposal. This includes amongst alternative things, collection, transport, treatment and disposal of waste along with watching and regulation. It conjointly encompasses the legal and restrictive framework that relates to waste management encompassing steerage on utilization etc.

  • Waste Management Techniques

  • Solid Waste Management

  • E-Waste Recycling and Management

  • Recycling Market

  • Thermal Waste Recovery

Track 19: Climate Change Economics

Climate change economic science deals with fundamentals of economic theories and ideas, global climate change impacts on international economies and markets, quantifying disruptions and prices related to global climate change, climate variability and extreme events, accounting for the economic science and future costs of energy, water, air, and different natural resources, cost/benefit analysis of climate action (or inaction), grouping and group action info from a spread of sources.

Track 20: Advanced Biofuels

Second-generation biofuels to boot referred to as advanced biofuels, area unit fuels which is able to be ready-made from varied kinds of non-food biomass. Biomass throughout this context suggests that plant materials and animal waste used significantly as a provider of fuel. First-generation biofuels square measure made from the sugars and vegetable oils found in food crops exploitation customary method technologies. Second-generation biofuels unit of measurement created from entirely completely different & utterly different feedstock’s and therefore may would like different technology to extract useful energy from them. Second generation feedstock’s embrace lignocellulose biomass or woody crops, agricultural residues or waste, any as dedicated non-food energy crops grown up on marginal land unsuitable for crop production. The term second-generation biofuels is used loosely to elucidate every the 'advanced' technology accustomed technique feed stocks into biofuel, but to boot the employment of non-food crops, biomass and wastes as feed stocks in 'standard' biofuels method technologies if applicable. This causes some intensive confusion. Therefore it's a necessity to differentiate between second-generation feed stocks and second-generation biofuel method technologies.

  • Lignocellulosic Biomass

  • Thermochemical Routes

  • Syngas from Biomass

  • Syngas from Biomass

  • Second generation biofuels

  • Microbial pathways for advanced biofuels production

  • Synthesis of advanced biofuels

  • Synthesis of advanced biofuels

  • Commercialization of next generation Bio-fuels

  • Advanced Bio-fuels from photo bioreactors

  • Hydrogen Fuel cells

  • Wastewater based algae Bio-fuels production

Abstract Submission Criteria & Eligibility


  • Presenting authors are responsible for registration, travel, and hotel costs. Note: Those with    accepted abstracts will receive an acceptance mail allowing them to register for the conference.

  • Abstracts will be compiled and conference books are made available to participants at the conference.

  • Any presenter who is unable to attend should arrange for another qualified individual to present the paper/poster in question. If such a change is necessary, please notify our conference team


  • Oral paper presentations will have 30-minute time slots and be clustered by theme into sessions. The keynote session will have a 45-minute time slot, the workshop/ special session will have a 60-minute time slot and the symposium will have a 60-minute time slot followed by a 5-minute Q&A session.

  • Graduate & Masters's students are eligible to submit their abstracts under the poster and e-poster presentation category.

  • PhD students are eligible to submit their abstract under the special YRF (young researcher’s forum), poster and e-poster presentation category. NOTE: YRF category includes short oral presentations, especially for Ph. D. students

  • Extended abstract: Submissions should utilize the Abstract Template. Papers submitted in this category may represent original empirical research, theoretical development, reviews, or critiques.

Participation / presentation option

Oral presentation: Oral Presentations may include the topics from researches, theoretical, professional or private practices in a concise manner. Individuals with personal experience are also welcome to present personal experiences or narratives which help others in everyday life. Speakers with a 30-minute slot should plan to speak for 20-25 minutes, and Keynote speakers should plan to speak for 40-45 minutes, with the remaining time to be used for questions and discussion by the Session Chair.

Workshop: For workshop presenters also, the topic of the talk will be the same as an Oral presentation with more specialized techniques and detailed demonstration. The generalized time duration for a workshop presentation is about 45-50 minutes. Interested participants can join with their respective team and present the workshop with their research coordinators with special group waivers on registration.

Poster presentation: Student Poster Competition will be organized at the Climate change summit 2023 is to encourage students and recent graduates to present their original research. Presenters will be given about 5-7 minutes to present the poster including questions and answers. Judges may ask questions during the evaluation of the presentation. This is an opportunity for young scientists to learn about the recent findings of their peers to increase their capacity as multidisciplinary researchers. Poster displays will be in hard copy format of 1x1 M long.

For more details regarding Poster Presentation and Judging Criteria view Poster Presentation Guidelines.

Webinar: The webinar presentation is designed for those interested attendees who cannot join in person due to schedule conflicts or other obligations. In this option, the presenter may record the presentation and their presentation will be presented in the Webinar presentation session.

E-Poster: E-Poster is also similar to the webinar presentation. In this session, their presentation will be published in the form of a poster in the conference website and the presenter abstract will be published in the conference souvenir and journal with DOI.

Exhibition: Climate change summit 2023 has the opportunity to exhibit the products and services from commercial and non-commercial organizations like Drug manufacturers, Clinical Trial Sites, Management Consultants, Chemists, Pharmacists, Business delegates and Equipment Manufacturers.

Advertisement: The conference program is a valuable resource that all attendees refer again and again as they navigate the conference. Advertising in the conference program is a great way to market and can help you secure long term business.

VISA Application

Climate change summit 2023 organizing committee hereby reiterates that we are NOT authorized to assist with any Visa application works. You may be required to submit a Letter of Invitation, Letter of Abstract Acceptance and Registration Payment Receipt to the embassy.

Letter of Invitation: A Letter of Invitation is proof that your paper submission and registration application are accepted by the conference committee board. It will be stated in English and may help with your visa application. 

Token Amount: Token amount of USD 150 can be paid and a payment receipt can be proof of payment and may help with your VISA application.  


To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date November 23-24, 2023

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Past Conference Report

Supported By

Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications Journal of Pollution Effects & Control Journal of Climatology & Weather Forecasting

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by


  • Advanced Biofuels
  • Carbon Capture And Sequestration
  • Climate Change And Climatology
  • Climate Change And Coastal Stressors
  • Climate Change And Health
  • Climate Change Economics
  • Climate Change Solutions
  • Climate Change: Biodiversity Scenarios
  • Climate Change: Marine Life
  • Climate Refugees
  • CO2 Capture And Sequestration
  • Earth Science And Climate Change Policies
  • Endangered Species And Forestry
  • Environmental Toxicology
  • Global Warming Effects And Causes
  • Green Economy
  • Greenhouse Gases
  • Pollution And Climate Change
  • Recycling And Waste Management
  • Renewable Energy